Neat People vs. Sloppy People: My Thoughts

 Neat People vs Sloppy People 

by Suzanne Britt

"I've finally figured out the difference between neat people and sloppy people. The distinction is, as always, moral. Neat people are lazier and meaner than sloppy people." 

    The written work 'Neat people vs Sloppy People' comes across as quite contrived. The work was captured in a very dramatic and overly exaggerated way that caught my attention right away. The author immediately starts with a spiel on the traits and practices of sloppy people. Some traits she spoke about were about their niceness, high ambitions, hoarding practices and many more. Conversely, she then then spoke of the traits of neat people. Just like for those who are sloppy the author talked about traits like their meanness, uncaring view of items, their OCD tendencies and many more. She contributed these practices towards their moral states of mind which begs the question... Is she right or wrong?

    At first it was hard for me to grasp whether she was using satire or being genuine. At the end, regardless of her intent I both agreed and disagreed with some of what she said, but, to a less exaggerated extent. I believe that sloppy people do tend to have more outward personalities than neater people but that s not always the case. Sloppy people can also be way meaner than neat people. In fact, I think that most people hold both sloppy and neat characteristics. These attributes of a persons are not even moral as they are linked more with personality. Moreover, to me, persons neat and sloppiness does not determine their path in life, their interest or how they see the world. People form interest and make moves towards their future based on their personalities. The moral aspect would come into play with the way they were raised and who they might be doing certain things for. For Example a boy knowing his mother wants to see him do well in life after struggling will attempt to live the best life that he can to please her. 

Miss Britt's way of expression though extremes did spark an interest in me and caused me to have deep thoughts in regards to the points that she makes. Persons who hoard and who have OCD sometimes tend to feel very trapped in their disease. So for her to exaggerate neat people vs sloppy people in such a manner made me have to take a step back and think of how close persons are to these disease like practices.


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